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Online Lead Generation

Lead generation is the strategy digital marketers use to turn strangers to your brand into customers. The internet has made this both more easy and more difficult, with more ways than ever to reach and convert potential new customers, but also significantly more competition vying for the same type of attention. Lead generation marketing is a necessary part of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy, but it can be overwhelming, especially for long-time corporate marketers who are used to more traditional forms of generating new leads.Confused about where to get started with lead generation? We can help.

Techblyz provides lead generation services that can help your business develop an effective lead generation campaign for b2b or b2c with relative ad placement and improvements in search engine rankings. We’re experts in PPC placement, search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization, and other digital marketing techniques that are designed to elevate awareness of your brand and bring more eyes onto your website. From b2b lead generation to sales lead generation, we focus on bringing not just more traffic to your page, but more traffic that converts into sales.

Lead Generation & Inbound Marketing

Every customer who makes a purchase on your website has to start their consumer journey somewhere. Lead generation assists in the second stage of the consumer journey, after strangers have been organically attracted to your business and prior to them completing a converting action.

All inbound marketing follows a standard and well-understood methodology. You want to attract potential customers to your site, convert them into leads, close the deal through a purchase, and then satisfy them so they return to your site for additional purchases and encourage others to do the same. With lead generation, you’re looking to figure out how much interest a person has in your product or service so that you can better deduce which consumers are most likely to move on and close the deal.

Both the B2B and B2C landscapes present challenges when it comes to leading consumers through a successful cycle of inbound marketing. But the better you can optimize your lead generation marketing, the better you can outperform your competition and turn more strangers into customers.

Some Of Our Clients

Methods Of Boosting Lead Generation

We use a lot of different methods to turn potential customers into leads for your business, and many of them fall within several key and distinct categories. Some practices are better fit for b2b than b2c (or vice versa), while others can be utilized by businesses targeting either market. At Techblyz, we evaluate each client’s needs and goals on an individual basis to determine which lead generation strategies will be most effective and which might be a waste of time.

Ad Placement

Lead ads are typically run on broad social platforms where we can specifically target the consumers who are most likely to engage with your brand. In addition to strengthening brand awareness, lead ads help you gather contact information and other types of demographic information about potential customers.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a major part of lead generation because it helps connect your content with consumers through targeted keywords and technical strategies. When done right, content has a strong ability to engage your audience and encourage future lead-based engagement.

Website Technicalities

A well-designed website with functionally placed, lead-focused aspects can easily result in better lead generation. Your landing page and other pages can be optimized with forms, offers, and other lead generating components to convert mere visitors into potential converters.

Targeted Email And Social Campaigns

Leads provide their information through forms. The more ways you can provide them forms the better, and email and social media are two major ways to get those information-gathering components in front of your audience.
While specific lead generation techniques vary, all of our lead generation services are performed under the general idea that organic leads are the best types of leads. You want consumers who are opting-in to learning more about you and your product or services, not being bombarded with information or turned off by unwanted persistence. We’ll work hard to make sure your leads come to you, and not the other way around.